SAM XT Tourniquet

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2 min 45 sec
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SAM XT Tourniquet: A Comprehensive Overview

Distinguishing Feature: Locking System

The SAM XT tourniquet stands out with its unique locking system, setting it apart from others like the C-A-T tourniquet.

Locking Mechanism

The tourniquet features a locking system on the band, enhancing its stability and effectiveness.

How It Works

With a windlass at the top, the band can be tightened and securely locked in place, ensuring optimal pressure for hemorrhage control.

Locking Pins

Holes along the band house two locking pins that engage with the main strap, providing a secure hold when tightened.


As pressure is applied and the unit is secured, audible clicks indicate successful locking.

Application and Usage

Deploying the SAM XT tourniquet is straightforward, following similar steps as other tourniquets.

Initial Application

Position the buckle, slide the strap through, and secure it around the limb.

Windlass Tightening

Rotate the windlass to apply pressure, ensuring a snug fit while maintaining safety.

Securing the Tourniquet

Tuck the tail into the loop for neatness and document the application time on the designated area.

Adjustments and Additional Measures

If bleeding persists, tighten the tourniquet further or consider supplementary measures like a second tourniquet or hemostatic agents.

Instruction Leaflet

Each SAM XT tourniquet comes with a detailed instruction leaflet, guiding users through proper application, adjustment, and removal procedures.

Ensure familiarity with the leaflet's contents, particularly for training purposes, to confidently use and reset the tourniquet.

Keep the tourniquet readily accessible and pre-assembled for swift deployment in emergency situations.