Tourniquets, Haemostatic Dressings and using BSi Critical Injury Kits

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Understanding Shock and Fainting: First Aid and Response

Types of Shock

Shock Defined: Shock results from insufficient oxygen supply to the body's tissues and can occur for various reasons.

  • Hypovolemic Shock: A lack of blood volume in the system.
  • Neurogenic Shock: Relates to the nervous system and low blood pressure.
  • Cardiogenic Shock: Related to heart problems.

Recognizing Hypovolemic Shock

Scenario: Treating someone who has lost a significant amount of blood.

Signs of Hypovolemic Shock:

  • Dizziness and Nausea: Feeling lightheaded and unwell.
  • Rapid Weak Pulse: Heart beats rapidly, but blood volume is insufficient.
  • Paleness and Bluish Skin: Due to reduced oxygen circulation.
  • Sweating and Anxiety: Signs of stress.

Immediate Response

Managing Hypovolemic Shock:

  • Lay the Person Down: Prevent potential injuries from collapsing.
  • Elevate Legs: Promote blood flow from the legs back into the body and brain.
  • Keep Warm: Cover the person with a blanket or clothing to maintain body temperature.
  • Call 999: Activate emergency services, even if the person starts feeling better.

Fainting: A Mild Form of Shock

Understanding Fainting: Fainting occurs when the brain lacks sufficient oxygen, leading to dizziness.

Immediate Response:

  • Lift Legs: Elevate the person's legs to restore blood flow to the brain.
  • Keep Warm: Cover the person to maintain their body temperature.
  • Recovery Position: May not require immediate medical attention.

Note: Regular fainting episodes should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit three LO6.1, 6.2 & 6.3